January 26, 2012

"Behind Every Face is a Story"

Even the most inscrutably enigmatic and crusty of characters possesses a story worth telling.  Eyes are said to be the windows to our soul and our faces the masks that we wear.  Writers know that behind every face there is a story to be told and that is their joy.
                  Our goal is to capture the expression of an instant and the stories of a lifetime in portrait art.  All of us have relationships with our families and children that we value.  It is those relationships and interactions that we seek to capture in portraits.  Our relationship portraits are black and white and crafted to bring out the emotion and connections that we have with our siblings, our children and our entire family.  They differ from traditional photography because they include creative arrangement and expression.

                  For example, every child snuggles up against their mommy and daddy when they want to feel loved or secure.  It's at those instances, when as parents we are the most emotional with our children.  I hear everyday from parents with grown children that they miss those special moments in time when their daughter or son would crawl up in their laps, wrap their arms around their necks, and just want to be held.  We want to capture those little memories for these parents so they will always be able to look at their portraits and be drawn back to that very moment.
                  So what is your story and who is that special person and memory that you want to hold onto?  Is it your child/children, your spouse, a grandparent, aunt, or even a best friend.   Let us help you create your story to hang on your wall.   www.philhyman.com

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